FCC youth camp...

Heya.. just got back from FCC youth camp which is in Melaka. How was it? Well, let me say that the camp was awesome, but this time we went as guest and did not stay inside that place so we did not really participate in a lot of things. Instead we went around town. Well the leadership is good in FCC and they are really strict, like ARMY TRAINING wow! haha that is freaky. but we are learning things hehe (bad bad)

Well I basically knew the roads well in Melaka already well atleasat UJONG PASIR and JONKER, TENGKERA, BG RAYA area I am like a pro? haha I went around the town round and round which was stupid because most of the road is one way street and that is scary. We got a ticket for just entering one of the no entry sign. The police there are URGH crap. we are outstation.. LOOK AT OUR NUMBER PLATE.. but no.. stop us and then wind down the window and that was like 8.30 in the morning. I hate to say this but it's too early and shops weren't open but the police was out hunting for ticket to give out

but what really mad was something that made me mad. they were not friendly at all. once we wind down our window, they ask for licence and our Identity card so we gave. they did not state the reason of given us a ticket. they did not greet, talk to us, tell us the problem, giving warning, just write the ticket only. crap.. then we have to pay at their traffic, they give no mercy, never really gave us any clue where can we pay! we are outstation remember?

then when we pay we have to like give 100 for it stupid.. we buat rayuan.. but have to wait for the boss to be in.. and when he come in he just cop the ticket only -_- and then he don't even know the price ofthe ticket ar too mad to write.. so laters

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank u thank u the sweet guy lol..

from joleen