
AA has one way and the other impact some part of my life as a musician. I remember when I was young in high school, I saved up a few bucks and walk/cycle from my house to Taipan's Glad Sounds and randomly pick some album up, mainly ROCK bands and I would just purchase them (depending on their cover) and I would just buy the cassette. (Those days my family can't afford CD players and buying 2 cassettes would equal to a CD). And I'll just blast it in my walkman.

I remember hearing the album Underdog in Frasers in some camp, and I was hooked, I was like what kind of rock band is this? their beat were almost in the 80's hyped up kinda beat and I was hooked by the songs. and this has been a part of life that I am hooked to audio a and I just rocked out, playing the underdog riff and all and just go wild... and since then I've always liked that album, my favourite Audio A album of all time.

I did not chase after them after Underdog, cause I think "lift" is pretty much not a great album for me (exp for the ocean floor).

One of the most craziest thing is that I like it when they sang Hands and Feet in the Underdog Album "I want to be Your hands I want to be Your feet, I'll go where You send me" And after a few years, They started orphanage in Haiti and named it Go visit it and surf around. Now that is practice what you preach! which they are in the midst of opening more orphanage to accommodate the rising numbers of orphans.

Audio A have finally say Goodbye. Mark Stuart is unable to sing anymore due to prolonged straining of vocal cord so... here's my piece of saying, Thanks for the things that you've given me, the rocking attitude, and of course the words and lyrics, esp on songs like Underdog, This Day, Leaving 99, And that lame houseplant Song


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