The email scpams are back (2)

Ok just over a week ago, I received the infamous 'forward this and you get this'

While the general function of this type of emails hasn't been changed, it still got people fool. Things like

'if you don't foward this hotmail will delete your account'
'you'll have 7 years of bad luck if you don't foward to 10 people'
'forward this then hit shift+c then you'll see the answer'

Well, THIS DOES NOT WORK! the internet is not so powerful yet if not we'll see terminator walking around right about 2 years time.

To make matters worst, there is no such thing as a Sony Erricson laptop. This is just merely a form of spam or rather, someone's trying to spam anna swelung. Whoever you are, I am sorry for you for receiving anonymous emails.

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